Friday, April 10, 2015

Kickapoo Joy Juice faded wall ad

Kickapoo Joy Juice faded wall ad

This is painted on the side of a building that used to be Jenkins Food Market in the small commercial area of Trimble, TN which is a small city in Obion County. Kickapoo Joy Juice is a citrus-flavored soft drink brand owned by The Monarch Beverage Company. Perhaps more people are familiar with the name, which was taken from the Ll'l Abner comic strip (although in the cartoon, the beverage was alcoholic, but the drink you can buy is a soda.)

The real world drink was introduced in 1965 under NuGrape, a former brand of The Monarch Beverage Company. That year, Nugrape worked out a deal with Al Capp, the owner of the Kickapoo Joy Juice rights, to produce the beverage as a carbonated soft drink. Capp, however, would have the last word on all advertising and promotion. Kickapoo Joy Juice's early advertising campaign was very similar to Mountain Dew's of the time – using characters from Li'l Abner to create and market a hillbilly feeling. Although the product is currently distributed largely in Asian markets, the can still comes decorated with a vintage Li'l Abner drawing.

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