Sunday, December 21, 2014

Jolt Cola

Jolt Cola

Jolt is one of those drinks that's been around for a while but has been given new life, thanks to the energy drink craze.

Growing up, Jolt Cola was one of those things that I'd heard of for many years, but didn't actually see or try for a long time. Back then, their motto was "Twice the Sugar, Twice the Caffeine." With a motto like that, combined with its perceived rarity, gave it a mystique. It's as if this was the drink you weren't supposed to have; it's so good but so potent that if you could find one, you parents wouldn't actually let you have it.

and then one day I found it.
and I drank it.
and it tasted like an RC or any other generic cola.
There was no sugar rush so great that I would bounce off the walls.
Twice the Sugar. Twice the Caffeine.
Twice the disappointment.

Now, Jolt is back. Or perhaps Jolt has always been there and I just went 20 years without seeing it. They can be the energy drink before there were energy drinks. They've added taurine and all that other stuff that all energy drinks have. It still tastes like an RC.

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